Thursday, January 31, 2008


It is wonderful to see that God is in control!
We contacted our friends in Swaziland (neighbouring country about 6 hrs drive) and they are going to set us up to work in the "Good Shepherd" hospital in Siteki.
We hope to start work there in about 10 days- so much for my concerns about the red tape of registration (preparation for Kenya took over 5 months) etc- his approach is "start work and register later".
Still lots of details to sort out but we have peace and are excited about the opportunity. Jono is a very good friend from medical school and has been working in Swaziland for about 15 years as a missionary in general medicine with a special interest in opthalmology and performs many cataract surgeries under the sponsorship of the CBM (Canadian Blind Mission) who pay for the lens implants.
Samaritans Purse actually offered for us to go to Kijabe Hospital just outside Nairobi (this coming Monday) but we thought it was prudent to hold off for a while to see what happens in Kenya. There is still the possibility that we will eventually get to Kenya, but we will take one month at a time and see what happens.

Will update as things progress.
Thank you for your prayers.
David, Lynne, Robyn and Tim


chilliwack said...

I am still trying to get things done with google so that i can send news,etc. Computers and especially google are not in my" skills brain" I will keep trying and hopefully will be able to send you news before you return home.

chilliwack said...

Will pass on your latest news to Julie and Gayle
Lotso f snow from yesterday but it iwll soon melt. This is a test to check if I am finally on the right track with Google.

chilliwack said...

three comments sent, did google send them?