Friday, January 18, 2008

Brief update

Hi all
Due to the recent unrest in Kenya, it was decided to postpone our travel to Kenya until 4 Feb.

We are obviously anxious to get to our destination, but have to wait for things to settle.
We are learning to wait on God for His plan- as it happens I have been working through a daily meditation by Andrew Murray called Waiting on God which has been very appropriate!

Will give you a more thorough update soon.

Please pray for Kenya and for us.

Thank you

David and Lynne


42950 vedder Mtn Rd said...

Happy New Year from Chilliwack!
Great photos, especially of the falls! Relieved to hear you are safe. Hope you are all well. We were unable to get into your blog until now, was not able to get in through a Google search. Hope you are enjoying yourselves while you are waiting to leave. We are keeping our selves posted on any news we hear about Kenya.
Ruth, Gail and I missed Lynne to day at lunch. Our prayers are with you all. Love Julie & Mark

Roelie said...

So glad to hear all is well with you. We will continue to lift you in our prayers. We have ordered a new bulletin board just for you Dave at the clinic so we can post updates!! Things are going well, and we'll be running smooth by the time you are back!! Take care and know we love and miss you all.