Still havn't got this right. pictures come in the opposite order that I want.... One day I will get it right.
Lynne's hair salon.

Another interesting house.

Lynne asked this lady to pose outside her house.

Interesting house in Siteki.

Fruit at the local market.

Sad farewell to Mabuda Farm and Swaziland.

Here is Lynne riding- what a cowgirl!!!

Lynne's sisters family visiting and all going on an outride.
finally another blog post. Hope ya'll doing well.
Louisa de vette here.I'm glad my husband opens up your blog every so often. So neat to see how amazing your days are. Love to see the photos of Mozambique since i'm partial to it.
Chilliwack is in a cold and wet mood lately. Sunshine is expected for the weekend...we will think of Africa while enjoying it.
I have been seing Alice (forget their last name) since I have decided to switch to raw milk.They have a picture of you on their fridge. Sounds like you have a large circle of support in town.
A question to David: is their room for physioterapy in such setting?
love ziza
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