Sunday, July 6, 2008
Just wanted to let everyone know that we have arrived safely back in Canada with ALL our luggage (anyone who helped us move the luggage around will know what a miracle that is!!- it included the unicyle, 2 garden hoes, 3 slashers, 4 spears, 2 bows, 12 arrows just to mention the less usual parts).
We have been really been spoilt already on our return- a group of church family and friends had come to the house and did a thorough clean and garden clean up, left us with lots of food.
We can't thank everyone of you enough and pray that God will bless you richly.
I have the next week off to get reoriented into Canada and to get all my paperwork up to date.
Life is already getting busy again......
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Hi all
This will likely be our last blog update until we get home to Canada.
As I type this in the background are the sounds of throwing up…..something we have been spared of thus far but unfortunately has caught up with us.
Robyn was sick Thurs night, Timothy on Friday night and me on Sunday night. Tonight (Tues) it is back to Timothy and now Lynne isn't doing to great. I am now being blamed for giving them medicine which has made them worse…I should have listened to the rule "never treat your own family".
We are not sure if it is viral or from the water, so have pulled out the water purification drops to add to the ultraviolet sterilization and the ceramic filtration.
Not a fun few days.
We are very excited by this and look forward to this time together.
There are many more memories…..
The kids have also had a wonderful time with pet chameleons.
Tim also got to see twins delivered by cesarean section with dad as the surgeon. All went well and two healthy boys were delivered. They will go next week for one more day at school with the locals. They have never been so popular!
The hospital and especially the cute babies. The town and market which is always a hive of activity and such fun to go to. Hiking to the orphanage and getting to sing and dance with the kids. Truly a highlight to my weekends.
The list goes on and on but before I end I would like to thank all our friends and family, our church, our neighbors, colleagues, MEI school, etc who have been praying for us and helping out in so many ways.
A special thanks to the Baer's for taking care of so MUCH. Can't thank you enough.
To Shelter for taking care of the clinic, our house and Bonnie,our dog. Also Roberta and Neil who I know have also taken Bonnie into their hands..We could never have done it without you all. We also want to say a big thank you to Samaritan's Purse. You have all been amazing.
There have been so many hands at work that have made this trip possible and we would like to say a big thank you to all of you. We have truly been blessed out here and hope that we get the chance to share some of our slides with you.
May God bless you and keep you in His mighty hand.
Here are David and Tim and friends sitting on the viewpoint up Mount Kipkinor.
Here is the panorama view from there. You can just see Kapsowar on the first hill in the middle.

Here is a local store keeper. Note the fancy wall paper. Not much on the shelves!

Saturday, May 17, 2008
The pictures will speak the rest. Tried to upload a clip of one of their songs- not sure if it will work.
Going wild.

If anyone is inclined to come and visit, we have a nice hotel for you to stay in: "Delta Breeze".

Friday, May 16, 2008
Time to update everyone- we have spent close on three and a half weeks here already! Time is flying.
It is quite rural out here. The compound where we stay has electricity but nowhere around us has such a luxury. Hence fresh produce other than what is at the market is all you can get unless you take a 4 hr trip to Eldoret. That is, there and back but it is still a long journey. One I am reluctant to take. Fresh meat is mutton or beef but I make sure I buy it on the day it is butchered as without any refrigeration it could be scary. There are plenty of flies out here.
So far have had to do a lot of entertaining which is a challenge with very different produce but most people only realize once they are here for a little while how dynamic a meal is(even my cooking). Still I have got my kids eating lots of cabbage salad. They don't like the spinach and sukima (also a green leaf vegetable). Other than that bananas, sour oranges and papaw are the only fruit available right now. I must say I look forward to cherry season when we get back to Canada.
As for the area it is very hilly with lots of great hikes. Robyn is still a reluctant hiker.
Every hill and slope is hand ploughed and planted with corn(which is the staple diet out here). It is really beautiful and to top it the weather is hot during the day with often a thunderstorm in the evening. It comes down as a torrent but lasts only a short while. In fact the day we arrived it had rained quite heavily and the roads were very slippery. It was scary and exciting at the same time. I think we were very fortunate to arrive safely as the roads can be quite treacherous.
As for our house it is lovely. Very simple but has an amazing view looking over the valley and across onto the mountains. Dotted all over the place are houses (huts) with fields. Our kitchen is tiny and sparsely equipped but totally adequate for our stay. Only still have to work out the gas oven as one minute I burn something and then the next minute it takes forever to cook. It took me 7 hours to cook a local free range chicken and then it was still not done. It was certainly an interesting meal.
As for the kids they are doing well. Robyn is counting the days for her return to Canada. Still I think she is enjoying herself and is in constant demand to play with the compound kids. They have also acquired 3 chameleons which they feed grasshoppers to each day. Each has a name and is a prized item. Tim has them in his room and the one baby always crosses his room to settle on a bicycle. They have free range in his room something I would never allow in Canada. I always wonder if one morning he will wake up with one crawling over him but they seem to enjoy sleeping on the branches all curled up.
Most Kenyans are afraid of chameleons so when ever anyone finds one, Robyn or Tim are called to come and catch them. A huge excitement for our kids.
There are also visitors coming and going all the time here. Mainly doctors filling in for the long term doctors who are away on furlough. Right now 2 chaps from the States, age 21 are visiting with their grandpa (a surgeon 76yrs old). Take that. He is amazing but he is looking very frail as was sick for a few days. The boys are great fun as they play games with the kids and keep them amused.
As for Dave the hospital has been very short staffed and at times he has been the only doctor available. Medicine is very different out here and a lot of changes are needed. Unfortunately many habits take a long time to change and unfortunately this is difficult to do as one needs to build up confidence and an understanding of the culture, language etc. So far Dave just perseveres to do his best. Though it has been hard as patients have died that could have survived possibly if they were in North America.
As for me my days go by very fast.
I home school in the mornings which has its fun times as well as some challenges. I think I would prefer to have a set curriculum. Still I am grateful to have all I have. I took the kids to the local school where they sat in for the morning. Wow we are certainly very blessed with what we have. Going to the school is a real honor for the Kenyans and every one crowds around you. At one time I put out my hand to shake someone's hand and then had to shake everyone's hand (30 - 50 kids). The funny thing is that some of them look at their hand afterwards as though they may change colour. I tease some of them when they come back over and over again and hold on for longer as though I won't let them go.They usually break out into the most amazing smiles that could lift anyone's heart.
Tim and Robyn were both a hit in the class and were obviously the center of attraction. Both achieved well except Robyn had a Swahili lesson and did not know how to write it. The teacher teased her and said she would have to come back for a test. Manners are still a high priority in class and the children all stand and greet the teacher when they enter the class. Just how I grew up so I feel quite at home. Also they really make you feel very welcome By clapping a welcome. In class they also clap for each correct answer that is given. Tim took his African sticks to show every one which was a hit.
He was totally surrounded every time he went outside, so when he needed to move someone would yell "space" and a path was made for him. Honestly the people out here are extremely friendly and everyone you pass literally welcomes you. Some will come and take your hand and shake it, both young and old. Others who know any English will strike up a conversation with you and walk with you.
As for me I am also helping out with a Sunday school out in the field. This last Sunday we had 39 children. We sang songs and I read a story. Most of the children here are poor and may never go to school. In general though I find there are many churches and most people have heard about God. I have been so grateful to have my walkman with speakers as the children love to listen and learn songs. Even just playing music in the children's ward seems to bring in a little light or smile to patients. Some even join in and sing. We have also had the privilege of being invited to some of the local's houses. Some really poor while others are comfortable (that means they have a bed and chairs for seating). One usually gets offered chi tea which is very tasty but I am always afraid of getting ill. Our water is purified and filtered at the mission. In fact everything gets washed under the water before cooking.
Will end off and try to post lots of pictures, which will give you more an idea of where we are.
Here is Robyn's class

Here is Tim in class

Charles preparing our chicken for supper

The kids collecting bugs for the chameleons

Monday, April 28, 2008
Not very good quality but the best we can do on the internet that we have....

Just letting you know that we have arrived safely in Kapsowar.
Enjoyable flight to Nairobi, then spent the night at the Mennonite guest house and flew up to Eldoret early the next morning.
All went smoothly. We were met by the hospital ambulance (Toyota Landcruiser) who took us shopping for supplies- trying to do 2 months shopping in 1 hr is a little challenging!! He detoured past the tents where all the resettled people were staying- quite an eye opener.
We were then brought here to Kapsowar. Quite an interesting ride with the last hr being on mud and clay and fairly steep hills. We were sliding around more than once but the driver was excellent and we made it without us having to push. At one hill there was a tractor pulling up some vehicles- we were able to 'slide' down the hill as we were traveling in the opposite direction.
I can't see us getting out of here until we leave.
Everyone here is very friendly and have welcomed us warmly. We have a nice little 3 bedroom house with brown running water and surging electricity and a gas stove.
Drinking water is purified by leaving water in a clear plastic bottle in the sun for at least 4 hrs and then putting it through a ceramic filter to take out the 'brown' part.
So far so good and we remain healthy.
All the long term docs have left for periods of time- Steve Lee the medical director left early April for 6 month furlough, Bill Rhodes the surgeon left on Thurs for 6 weeks (we arrived Tues), Paul Larson left Fri to lecture in Somalia and will be gone about 10 days.
We still have a good complement of staff though- Joy arrived on Wed from the USA for 1 month and is an OBGYN, Sam is a Kenyan doctor here for 1 week and Philip arrived yesterday and is a Kenyan surgical resident here for 1 week.
There is the promise of more doctors coming so the future staffing wise looks fairly good, although things can change rapidly.
So far the work has not been too overwhelming although is very different from what I was doing in Swaziland. I do not need to do obstetrics at this time as Joy is here, but I am still trying to refresh my surgical skills as Joy is leaving before we do. My C/S skills are very rusty, so it is great to have an Obstetrician to teach me.
Most of the obstetrics is done by the midwives and they only call if there are problems which generally means a C/S is needed.
We are able to buy white bread and fruit in season (presently green oranges and occasional bananas). There are also potatoes and spinach and cabbage. There is lamb and beef although one wants to be there when the animal is killed as the 'butcher' shops do not have refrigeration. So we won't starve!
Also there are people coming and going fairly regularly so we should be able to supplement our supplies if we need to from Elderet.
We then walked down to a river and looped up and around. A walk of about 2 hours through the countryside. Very beautiful. We met lots of friendly locals and were even escorted by one for about 30mins- he was chatting to Lynne the whole time but I don't think she understood much!!
It is the planting season so they are all out hoeing the fields by hand. The land is very steep so must be quite challenging!
It is also the rainy season so every evening there is a heavy rainfall, but during the day so far there has been sunlight (which we need to sterilize our water).
The kids seem happy and play with the local kids in the compound. The Larson's have young kids Robyn's age but are gone for now.
Tim and Robyn have just caught a chameleon and are now in the garden looking for crickets to feed it!
So I think that we will all enjoy our time here and will definitely be filling a need.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
We have said a sad goodbye to Swaziland and are now on the move again.
We have really appreciated catching up with our friends in Swaziland and all the opportunities that we had there-for the kids in particular they are sad to leave their new friends (and the horses and dogs).
Lynne's sister and family from Pretoria were able to spend a week with us over Easter which was amazing.
Just before we left we had the most amazing long week end in Mozambique- a country adjacent Swaziland and South Africa. Will try to upload some pictures- we went to a beach resort with Jono and Helen and family and Helen's sister and her family. To get there we had to drive about 8 hrs and then for the last 30km needed to lower the pressure in the tires to travel on the beach sand roads. Despite this we got stuck and had to push and pull each other- lots of excitement. There were 2 Land Rover defenders and we were in a Misubishi 4 X 4.
At the resort we were the only group there.
Right on the beach and beautiful palm thatch houses. Just off shore was a long reef that we went snorkeling every day and in the evening the local fishermen brought us lobster and shrimp….
Very enjoyable.
We then drove to Howick to say goodbye to Lynne's mother and sister and we are now at Hibberdene saying goodbye to David's parents.
Tomorrow we head up to Pretoria where we will need to pack our bags for our trip to Kenya.
So life is still full of adventure and excitement for us.
Everyone is doing well- school work takes a bit of a dip during these times of travel, but I am sure that the kids are benefiting in many other ways.
I am not sure what our internet access will be like in Kenya, but as soon as we are able we will update you on our progress there.
It appears that there is still some sporadic unrest happening, but it is felt that we will be safe going in. We will not be using ground transport but rather we will be flying from Nairobi to Eldoret and then the hospital transport will be picking us up there. We will be purchasing all our supplies from Eldoret and as we are only going to be there 2 months now this will not be an issue.
Here are our Mozambique photos:

Here is a picture of the beach. You can see a small island and to the right of it (look at the white water) is the reef that we snorkeled on at low tide. Absolutely incredible!!

Here are some left over pictures from the last post:
You know how much Lynne loves her Zebra's: here we are walking in Milwane game reserve (Swaziland) (unguided) with all the animals around us. Quite exciting.